As quiet as a mouse
Sound-optimised Geberit pipes
The human ear picks up some sounds more easily than others. These include the hissing and gurgling of discharge pipes and toilet flushes. Reducing these sounds to a minimum is one of Geberit’s core competencies.
When it comes to sound emissions, bathrooms – with their supply lines and discharge stacks – are one of the most critical places. Our ear can even hear something as small as a dripping tap – not to mention a toilet flush. With suitable products and the right installation technology, the sound can be decoupled from the building structure to such an extent that sanitary noises can be reduced to a minimum.
Realistic sound tests
Geberit consistently focuses on ensuring the best possible sound decoupling when developing new products, which is why sound-optimised products are put through their paces at the in-house building technology and acoustics laboratory. Tests are carried out under realistic conditions, with complete sanitary installations and bathrooms constructed and professionally installed for this purpose.

Ongoing optimisation and new developments
Highly sensitive microphones, sensors and laser technology record the sound levels, which are then evaluated by the acoustics specialists. The insights gained from the sound tests are used both for the optimisation of existing systems and products and the development of new ones – such as the new, highly sound-insulating drainage system Geberit Silent-Pro.