Sustainability strategy

Geberit began implementing its first environmental strategy with concrete measures as early as 1990. This has gradually evolved into a comprehensive sustainability strategy over the years and is now integrated into the company’s overall strategy as a defining element of its corporate culture.

The sustainability strategy is based on a total of twelve sustainability modules, which fall under the following three dimensions:

  • the social dimension (People),
  • the ecological dimension (Planet) and
  • the economic dimension (Profit).
  • People
  • Planet
  • Profit
  • Sustainable Development Goals

People The social dimension

People are at the centre of Geberit. This is why the company invests in the personal development of its employees, supporting them at every stage and level of their careers to achieve their full potential and grow as individuals.

Geberit also recognises its responsibility towards society. By collaborating with social institutions and spearheading projects in developing countries to advance access to sanitation, Geberit contributes to enhancing the quality of life for people around the world.

The social dimension of the sustainability strategy encompasses four key modules:

  • Attracting and retaining employees
    A supportive and inclusive working environment promotes the success of individual employees and the company as a whole. As a responsible employer, Geberit is committed to providing top-tier job prospects. These include attractive working conditions, a corporate culture of mutual respect and collegiality, as well as training and further education opportunities. Read more
  • Diversity and equal opportunities
    Geberit strives to ensure equality of opportunity regardless of gender, age, origin, religion, or sexual orientation, promoting a culture that values the abilities, contributions, and potential of all employees. For example, the company awards contracts to organisations that offer jobs for people with disabilities, contributing to meaningful work for around 550 people. Read more
  • Occupational health and safety
    Geberit operates safe production plants and logistics sites, promoting a health and safety culture at a high level. The company is continuously enhancing its workplace health protection initiatives and ergonomics, and its preventative measures and training have led to a 36% reduction in the accident rate since 2015. Read more
  • Social responsibility
    Geberit also embraces its responsibility towards society by striving to enhance people’s quality of life through its social engagement initiatives. In fact, Geberit employees and apprentices are actively engaged in renovating and building sanitary facilities for social institutions in developing countries. Geberit also contributes to better hygiene standards worldwide through vocational training and the knowledge sharing. Read more

People Insights